The latest news inside and out of our design studio in 2019

Fight for the Bight and the fires

For those who are unaware of the current situation in Australia, almost every day, for three weeks we have awoken to the sights and smells of the worst bush fires Australia has ever experienced in record-able history. For most of us living here it has been another wake up call to the harsh realities of climate change. The fight for the environment has truly been awakened within our communities and it was amazing to see and be a part of the Fight for The Bight movement over the weekend where people gathered in large numbers to say no to Equinor drilling in one of the most pristine areas of Australia.

Our Design Studio was born by the sea. We draw inspiration, connection, creativity and much more from our ocean and coastline so it was important to get involved and show our support.

The Green Room In Europe!!!

There has been some big changes of late and one of those is.. we are heading to Europe!. The Green Room is packing up shop and shifting to Spain. Fortunately for us being a remote studio, we work for people all over the world and can be based almost anywhere there is internet. We are looking forward to the culture the art and a cheeky wine or two.

Not to worry though! you can take the Studio out of Australia but you cant take the Australia out of the studio. We will definitely be back for regular meetings and projects.

A few projects worth mentioning.


As mentioned above we are passionate about the environment and selective about who we work for based on this. So with that in mind, who better to work with than E-moped. These guys are a revolutionary transportation company where you rent electric scooters straight from a smart phone app.

Limited for time we had to move quickly, pulling off one of the fastest animation turn arounds so far. From style frame design to final delivery we had it done in a week. Not to mention! We were really happy with the result and so was the client.

We also worked with a few difficult angles, One being the shot referenced to the left where the background had to be built in 3 dimensions and the characters face rigs made on Joysticks N Sliders.

From Our Earth Book.

Our good friend and a very inspiring photographer Ben Rayner has been a busy boy lately. He Is about to launch his very first book “From Our Earth”, which features beautiful words, spiritual insights and wisdom from his father, side to side with some beautiful and captivating imagery.

It was a pleasure for The Green Room to contribute to this project in a small way by Creating the logo for the book and assisting Ben with some still and moving shots for some promotional material.

The Book launch is coming soon and we can not wait to get a copy for our selves!.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more or to get a little copy for your self!.